Thursday 19th May

"Competitors & Crossfit"

a) 9 7 5

Power Clean & Jerk (205, 135)

Bar Muscle Ups

7 Mins Break

10 8 6 4 2

Front Squats (225, 155)

Strict HSPU

7 Mins Break

4 Rounds

7 x Deadlifts (315, 205)

2 x Rope Climbs

"Condition X"

a) WOD

30 to 5 x KB Swings

12 x DB Thrusters between each set

b) 5 Rounds

10 x Toes to Rings

30 x Walking Lunges


c) 5 Rounds

30 sec Plank

30 sec Side Plank

30 sec Other Side Plank

30 sec Rest