a) 42 30 18
Assault Bike
GHD Situps
b) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
3 x Hang Cleans
a) EMOM for 10 Mins
3 x Strict Press
b) 0 to 15 Mins
9 7 5
Clusters (155, 105)
Bar Muscle Ups
20 to 35 Mins
30 20 10
Barbell Thrusters (95, 65)
Toes to Bar
The Schwartz's Challenge is a community event.
Some may not believe this, but the majority of the entry fee and sponsorship/stall holder fee's go straight into the $15,000 prize purse. There are of course other major costs around an event like this, in particular the venue hire.
Countless people are involved in the event every year, all of whom put in the hours because they love the event and wish to be part of it. We have some talented graphic designers onboard, our main sponsors provide a lot of man hours in equipment and apparel preparation, and my wife does a large part of the administrative work. I always try to thank these people at the end of the weekend.
But, the group of people that probably impress me the most, is our VOLUNTEER JUDGES. Needless to say, without these, there would be no event. Over the previous eight years, we've taken pride in the best possible judging standard we could get, and this year should be no exception.
So, if you are an experienced judge (Regionals or similar) and would love to be part of the 2015 Schwartz's Again Faster Australia Challenge, Powered by Unbroken Athletic Apparel - please PM us, as we are still looking for a few more judges.