Monday 13/2/17




0:00 - 10:00


10 min amrap

5 x full snatches (135,65)

50 x double unders


5 min rest


15:00 - 25:00


10 min to work to a heavy single snatch


30:00 - 50:00


20 min amrap

(Starting @ 135,95 go up by 10lbs/5kg, 2.5kg each rd) (go as far as you can in the cap)

1 x full clean

1 x hang clean + 

3 x front squats


6/4 x strict hspu


Optional accessories

5 x 12 c2b

5 x 12 single leg dead lifts

5 x 12 ghd sit ups

5 x 20 band pull aparts