Tuesday 7th June

"Competitors & Crossfit"

a) EMOM for 20 Mins
Min 1 - 6 x Behind Neck Strict Press
Min 2 - 8 x Strict Toes to Bar

b) 5 Rounds
5 x Power Cleans (185, 125)
10 x Back Squats (185, 125)

3 Mins Rest

1km Row

"Condition X"

a) 5 Rounds
800m Run
30 x Calorie Airdyne

Schwartz CrossFit Melbourne are going to the CrossFit Games! 
As most of you would know, the trip to Carson, California is fairly expensive (with everyone having to fund flights, accommodation, car rental + expenses) - so we are holding a team competition with proceeds going towards our trip to the games!

Here are a few details:

- July 2nd - registration and briefing from 7.30am, held at Schwartz CrossFit Melbourne in Caulfield
- 4 Person Team (2 male, 2 female)
- Teams do not need to be made up of people from the same gym!
- Intermediate level
- 3 Workouts + 1 Final
- $280 Per Team
- We will release movements and movement standards (see page for updates)
- Any questions, message the page - to enquire about entering send an email to jaimebgoodwin@gmail.com and we will forward you through the competition waiver and payment details.
- Stay tuned to this page for more information/event flow/heat timings etc.

If you are interested in setting up a product stall/sponsoring the team - please get in touch, we would love to hear from you and see what we can do in return!

It's set to be a really fun day and spots are limited - so get in quick!