a) Pause Back Squat to 5 x 7RM
b) WOD
50 to 10 x Pistols
25 to 5 x Ring Dips
7 Min Break
1km Row for time
a) Every 90 seconds for 10 Rounds
3 x Power Snatches
b) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
1 x Full Clean
1 x Hang Clean
2 x Front Squats
with 7 Strict Pull Ups between sets
c) 10 Min AMRAP
5 x HSPU
20 x Double Unders
"Condition X"
a) 5 Rounds
Min 1 - 10 x HSPU
Min 2 - 40s Hollow Hold
b) 3 Rounds
30 x Burpees
40 x Strict Knee Raises
50 x Calorie Row
c) Tabata Airdyne