Monday 2nd May


a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
3 x Pause Back Squats

b) Front Rack Lunge to 5 x 5

c) For time -
1km Row
100ft Handstand Walk
500m Row
50ft Handstand Walk

d) "Isabel"


a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
1 x Full Snatch
1 x Full Snatch 2 inches from floor
1 x Hang Snatch

b) 0 to 10 Mins

c) 17 to 27 Mins
EMOM for 10 Mins
3  x Back Squats

"Condition X"

a) WOD

0 to 15 Mins
50 to 10 x Double Unders
25 to 5 x DB Thrusters

15 to 23 Mins - AMRAP
15 x KB Swings
10 x Box Jumps

23 to 27 Mins - Rest

27 to 45 Mins
5 Rounds
400m Run
15 x Burpees