Friday 29th April


a)  Every 3 Mins for 10 Rounds
7 x Pause Back Squats

b) Every 5 Mins for 3 Rounds
20m x Overhead Squat Lunges (165, 115)
25 x GHD Situps
20 x Ski Cal Erg

c) Every 4 Mins for 3 Rounds
10 x Bar Muscle Ups
50 x Wall Balls


a) "Dianne"

b) 5 Rounds
1 x Legless Rope Climb
6 x Bench Press (75kg, 45kg)
1 x Rope Climb
6 x Muscle Ups
1 Min Rest Between Rounds

5 Mins Rest

3 Rounds
10 x Dips
1 x Peg Board Attempt
15 x GHD Situps
12 x Double KB Rows
20 x Band Pull Aparts

"Condition X"

a) "Cindy"

b) 8 Min AMRAP
10 x DB Snatches per arm
10 x Toes to Bar

2 Mins Rest

8 Mins x Max Cal Airdyne

c) 100 x Lying Leg Raises (with light med ball between legs)


A) Every 2 min x 10 rds

1 x power snatch
1 x power snatch 2 inches from floor
1 x hang power snatch

B) Every 2 min x 10 rds
5 x front squats

WORKSHOP with Ian - Push Jerk