Rest Day
a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
5 x Front Squats
5 x Strict Press
b) 4 Rounds
15 x Barbell Thrusters (95, 65)
50 x Double Unders
c) 3-5 Rounds
10 x Strict Reverse Grip Pull Ups
12 x Single Leg KB Deadlifts
1 x Legless Rope Climb
10 x Bent Lateral Comples
"Condition X"
a) Tabata Row @80%
Rest 2 Mins
Tabata Air Squats
b) EMOM for 10 Mins
25 x Russian Twists
10 x Overhead Walking Lunge
c) WOD
Min 1 - 19 x Burpees
Min 2 - 6 x Burpees
Min 3 - 5 x Burpees
Min 4 - 17 x Burpees
Min 5 - 7 x Burpees
Min 6 - 18 x Burpees
Min 7 - 1 x Burpee
Min 8 - 20 x Burpees
Min 9 - 9 x Burpees
Min 10 - 10 x Burpees
Min 11 - 11 x Burpees
Min 12 - 3 x Burpees
Min 13 - 16 x Burpees
Min 14 - 4 x Burpees
Min 15 - 15 x Burpees
Min 16 - 14 x Burpees
Min 17 - 2 x Burpees
Min 18 - 13 x Burpees
Min 19 - 8 x Burpees
Min 20 - 12 x Burpees
**Always wanted to try CrossFit and see what it's all about, but too nervous to take the step in the gym?**
Our OnRamp program is the perfect stepping stone to enter our CrossFit Program. No need to "get fit before you start CrossFit" - we cater for all levels of fitness and strength!
Tuesday 22nd March, at 7pm, we'll be running the next OnRamp course and it's open to all fitness levels!
Come along, have some fun and find out everything there is to know about training with us!
Just text us on 0409 369 748 with your name to book yourself in for the course!