Thursday 4th February


a) Overhead Squat to 3RM

b) 7 Min AMRAP of -
3  6  9  12 etc
Overhead Squat (95, 65)
Toes to Bar

c) "Bear Complex"
5 x 7 of -
1 x Power Clean
1 x Front Squat
1 x Push Press
1 x Back Squat
1 x Push Press


a) "Bear Complex"
5 x 7 of -
1 x Power Clean
1 x Front Squat
1 x Push Press
1 x Back Squat
1 x Push Press

b) 21  15  9  6  3
Strict HSPU
Front Squats (155, 105)
Bar Facing Burpees

**Always wanted to try CrossFit and see what it's all about, but too nervous to take the step in the gym?**

Our OnRamp program is the perfect stepping stone to enter our CrossFit Program. No need to "get fit before you start CrossFit" - we cater for all levels of fitness and strength!

This Monday, 8th February, at 7pm we'll be running our first session in the February OnRamp program and it's open to all fitness levels!

Come along, have some fun and find out everything there is to know about training with us! 

Just text us on 0409 369 748 with your name to book yourself in for the course, or jump on our website to learn more about the program.
