a) Every 2 mins for 10 Rounds
1 x Power Snatch
1 x Full Snatch
1 x Hang Snatch
b) 21 15 9
Overhead Squat (95, 65)
Ring Dips
GHD Situps
5 Mins Rest
5 Rounds
50 x Double Unders
15 x KB Swings (24, 16)
50 x Double Unders
5 x Power Cleans (185, 125)
5 Mins Rest
EMOM for 5 Mins
15 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Our first OnRamp of 2016 commences Monday 8th February! Guaranteed to be the best start of your year!
The course runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm, and each session is $180.
To register or learn more, simply go to our website www.crossfitmelbourne.com.au and click GET STARTED!