Thursday 24th September


a) 4 Rounds
10 x Alternate DB Full Snatches (32.5kg, 22.5kg) 
30m Handstand Walk
40 x Calorie Row
3 Mins Rest Between Rounds

b) 8 Min Ladder
Bar Facing Burpees - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc
Complete 2 x Power Snatches after each set of burpees

c) Deadlift to 3RM


a) Back Squat to 7 x 5 @80%
Strict Press to 3 x 8 Between Sets

b) 21  15  9
Overhead Squat (115, 80)
KB Swings (24kg, 16kg)

7 Mins Rest

50 x Calorie Assault Bike