a) Back Squat to 5RM
b) EMOM for 25 Mins
Min 1 - 21/16 x Calorie Row
Min 2 - 20m Handstand Walk
Min 3 - 15 x Toes to Bar
Min 4 - 20/15 x Calorie Assault Bike
Min 5 Rest
a) Every 90 seconds for 10 Rounds
1 x Power Clean
1 x Full Clean
1 x Front Squat
b) Split Jerks
In groups of 6
1 athlete after the other takes their turn.
Bar starts at 20kg, 15kg...increasing by 5kg each time.
Continue as far as you can
c) Every 90 seconds for 10 Rounds
5 x Strict Press
750m Row
150 x Double Unders
750m Row