0:00 - 25:00
Back squats 5 x 3 @ 75% + 10kg of your 3 rep max
5 x 5 strict press (continue from last weeks)
28:00 - 40:00
Open wod
14.2 / 15.2
-every 3 minutes as long as you can. If you get the work done, rest until the next 3 min before you start the next section. If you don't finish the work within the 3 min your out.
0:00 - 3:00
2 rds
10 x OHS (95,65)
10 x c2b/pull ups
3:00 - 6:00
2 rds
12 x OHS
12 x c2b/pull ups
6:00 - 9:00
14 x OHS
14 x c2b/pull ups
9:00 - 12:00
16 x OHS
16 x c2b/pull ups
47:00 - 57:00
Partner work / rest
5 rds each
10 x bar dips
5 x dead ball/sandbag to shoulder
Optional accessories
5 x 10 bent lateral with a pause
5 x Max ghr
5 x 8 strict t2b
5 x 20 lying band pull aparts