0:00 - 15:00
5 rds
10 x wall balls
10 x c2b/pull ups
10 x box jumps (step down) (24,20)
(15 min cap)
22:00 - 42:00
5 rds:
5 x Man Makers* (20kg,15kg)
10 x alternate dumbell power snatches each arm (20,15kg)
5 x Bar Muscle-ups / 10 x dips
*1 Man Maker = Burpee to squat, to cluster, no jump required.
5 min rest
5 rds
10/7 x hspu
12 x alternating pistols
14 x cal row
(10 min cap)
5 x 5-15 ghr
5 x 20 band pull aparts