a) 7 Min AMRAP
Back Squats
25 x Back Squats (225, 155)
25 x Back Squats (275, 185)
Max Back Squats Remaining Time (315, 205)
b) 75 x Strict HSPU
400m Run every time stop
c) Deficit Deadlift to 5 x 5
d) Every 3 Mins for 5 Rounds
10 x Overhead Lunges (185, 125)
5 x Strict Muscle Ups
a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
4 x Pause Back Squats
Max Set of Pull Ups between Sets
b) 5 Rounds
15 x Wall Balls
12 x Box Jumps (24 inch)
9 x Toes to Bar
1 Min Rest
5 Mins Rest
EMOM for 10 Mins
3 x Bar Muscle Ups
30 x Double Unders
"Condition X"
a) 5 Rounds
30 x KB Swings
500m Row
15 x DB Thrusters
b) In Groups of 3
200 x Wall Balls - alternate sets
12 x Lying Leg Raises after each se
Who are we backing?!