a) Rest Day
a) 30 Mins Gymnastics Skills
b) 3 Rounds
200m Run
500m Row
200m Run
20/15 x Calorie Assault Bike
200m Run
15/12 x Calorie Ski Erg
200m Run
Prowler there and back
"Condition X"
a) 5 Rounds
Min 1 - Prowler there and back
Min 2 - 15/10 x Burpees
Min 3 - Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
Min 4 - 20 x Straight Legged Situps
b) 5 Rounds
1 Min Plank
15 x Toes to Rings
c) Tabata Air Squats
1 Min Rest
Tabata Mountain Climbers
It's coming together!