Saturday 9th April



a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds

1 x Hang Clean

1 x Front Squat

1 x Split Jerk


b) 5 Rounds

6 x Deadlifts (315, 205)

9 x Box Jumps (30 inch)

12 x Toes to Bar


c) Partner WOD

9 x Rope Climbs

90 x Cal Ski Erg

90 x Alternating Pistols

90 x Calorie Assault Bike

90 x Strict HSPU

9 x Rope Climbs

- can change when ever you want, no set rep scheme.

- partner 1 has to hang on the pull bar in order for the partner to accumulate ski cal, once the partner drops the partner on the ski erg must stop skiing.

- partner 1 has to be in a plank position in order for the other partner to do pistols otherwise reps can't be counted.

- partner 1 has to be in a overhead squat (65,45) for the other partner to do assault bike cal.

- partner 1 has to be in a hand stand hold before partner can do HSPU. Soon as the partner falls off the wall no more hspu can be done by that partner.





a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds

1 x Power Clean

1 x Full Clean

1 x Hang Clean


b) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds

3 x Front Squats


c) 5 Rounds

6 x Deadlifts (315, 205)

9 x Box Jumps (30 inch)

12 x Toes to Bar


d) 20 Min AMRAP

8 x Strict Press (95, 65)

8 x Strict Pull Ups

32 x Double Unders


"Condition X"


a) Parter WOD

200 x Wall Balls

1.6km Run

120 x Box Jumps

Row 2km

120 x DB Thrusters

1.6km Run