a) Front Squat to 5 x 5
b) Strict Press to 5 x 5
Front Rack Lunge to 5 x 5
c) 3 Rounds
10 x Power Cleans (225, 155)
20 x Strict HSPU
30 x Alternating Pistols
7 Mins Rest
15 12 9
Muscle Ups
Med Ball Over Shoulders (65kg, 45kg)
7 Mins Rest
3 Rounds
1 x Peg Board
50 x Back Extensions
50m x Handstand Walk
a) EMOM for 5 Mins
5 x Power Snatches
1 Min Rest
EMOM for 5 Mins
4 x Power Snatches
1 Min REst
3 x Power Snatches
b) 20 Min AMRAP
7 x Deadlifts
11 x Strict Toes to Bar
Ascending Deadlifts - 60kg, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 etc
"Condition X"
a) 3 Rounds
0 to 4 Mins
300m Ski Erg
20 x Calorie Airdyne
4 to 8 Mins
30 x KB Swings
30 x Box Jumps
8 to 12 Mins
Row 400m
30 x Ab Mats
1) E2MOM x 10 rds
1 x power clean
1 x hang power clean
2 x front squats
2) E2MOM x 10 rds
5 x push press