Friday 1st April


a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
3 x Front Squats

b) Behind Neck Strict Press to 3 x 8

c) 5 Rounds
500m Run
50 x Double Unders

d) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
3 x Power Clean & Jerks


a) Every 3 Mins for 10 Rounds
5 x Pause Back Squats
5 x Strict Press

b) 3 Rounds (each for time)
21 x Thrusters (115, 80)
15 x Toes to Bar
90 x Double Unders

"Condition X"

a) 15 Mins
12 x DB Snatches each arm
12 x Box Jumps
12 x Cal Ski Erg


c) 2 Rounds
3 Mins Airdyne
1 Min Rest
3 Mins Ski Erg
1 Min Rest

'Team Schwartz' regionals apparel now available for pre-order. Big thanks to Slothfit for sponsoring the team and taking care of the gear. This year we have a comprehensive range that includes:

* Men's & women's t-shirts
* Unisex muscle tanks
* Women's racerback singlets

In-house members will be able to choose 'Pickup' from the delivery option to be able to collect the gear from the gym. There is also a postage option - we ship interstate!

Cut-off for the pre-order is Sunday 10th of April so get in quick!

To celebrate the three Schwartz athletes who qualified for individual regionals this year, for an extra $5 you can option out any item to a Jaime Goodwin, Jordan Bender or Mitchell Sinnamon edition. Why not collect all three?

Head over to to place your order