a) "Open WOD 16.2"
b) 4 x 500m Rows @ 1 min off
a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
1 x Full Clean
1 x Hang Clean
2 x Split Jerks
b) WOD
30 x Muscle Ups
30 x Power Snatches (135, 95)
30 x Power Clean & Jerks (135, 95)
"Condition X"
a) EMOM for 12 Mins
Min 1 - 6 x Front Foot Elevated Lunge Each Leg
Min 2 - 8 x Strict Pull Ups
b) WOD
1.6km Row
800m Run
500m Ski Erg
50 x Box Jumps
40 x Wall Balls
30 x Thrusters / HSPU
20 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
100m x Walking Lunge
We'd love to improve the facilities for where to place your belongings when you arrive to the gym.
Can you please NOT store any other shoes except weightlifting shoes in this rack? We do not have the space to allow everyone to leave their runners, gym bags etc at the gym.
We'll allow for a few weeks, but after that any pairs that are NOT weightlifting shoes will be thrown out from this rack.