a) Front Squat to 5 x 3
b) 1km Row
3 Rounds
400m Run
50 x Double Unders
15 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Then 1km Row
c) Snatch Balance to 3RM in 12 Mins
a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
1 x Power Clean
1 x Full Clean
2 x Split Jerks
b) 0 to 18 Mins
21 15 9
Barbell Thrusters (95, 65)
Box Jumps
Calorie Row
18 to 30 Mins
15 12 9
Power Cleans (155, 105)
Push Jerks (155, 105)
"Condition X"
a) Every 3 Mins - Alternating
1. 25 x KB Swings & 50 x Double Unders
2. 15 x Cal Assault Bike & 15 x Cal Ski Erg
3 Rounds of Each
b) 7 Rounds
5 x Strict Pull Ups
12 x Good Mornings
ew Schwin Assault Bike!
It's very different to the existing Assault Bikes, try it and give the trainers some feedback!