Monday 22nd February - Programs
a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
1 x Full Clean
1 x Hang Clean
1 x Front Squat
b) EMOM for 10 Mins
3 x Power Cleans (same weight)
c) WOD
50 40 30 20 10 x Double Unders
5 4 3 2 1 x Muscle Ups
a) Every 3 Mins for 10 Rounds
5 x Pause Back Squats
6-8 x Strict Toes to Bar
b) WOD
50 40 30 20 10 x Wall Ballls (20, 14)
25 20 15 10 5 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
"Condition X"
a) EMOM for 12 Mins
5-7 x Strict Pull Ups
8-10 x Squats
b) 4 Rounds
0-2 Mins
250/200m x Row
Max Burpee Pull Ups in remaining time
2 to 4 Mins
10 x KB Swings
5 x Goblet Squats
4 to 6 Mins
Walk / Active Rest