Thursday 18th February


a) Hang Power Clean to 3 x 5

b) 0 to 10 Mins
1km Row then
5 10 15 20 etc
Box Jumps (24 inch)
Toes to Bar

1km Row for time


a) 10 Min AMRAP
5 x Power Snatches (115, 80)
10 x Toes to Bar

7 Mins Rest

b) 10 Min AMRAP
2 4 6 8 10 12 etc
Power Cleans (115, 80)
Strict HSPU

c) Every 90 seconds for 10 Rounds
5 x Back Squats

"Condition X"

a) For 12 Mins
Min 1 - 10 x KB Deadlifts
Min 2 - 8 x Slow Ring Rows

b) 5 Rounds
Max set of Wall Balls (20, 14)
1 Min Rest Between Rounds

c) 100 x KB Swings (24kg, 16kg)
6 x Push Ups at start of every minute

STRENGTH before Saturday class - 8am start:

A) Every 2 min x 10 rds:

3 x push press
2 x push jerks
1 x split jerk

B) Every 2 min x 10 rds:

1 x power clean
1 x full clean