a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
3 x Full Cleans
b) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
1 x Jerk Dip & Split Jerk
c) Back Squat to 4 x 9 @70%
d) 150 x Wall Balls
Every time you pause or drop =15 x Burpee Box Jumps
5 Mins Rest
EMOM for 5 Mins
15 x Toes to Bar
5 Mins Rest
200 x Shoulder Taps for time
a) Every 2 Mins for 10 Rounds
3 x Power Snatches
b) EMOM for 10 Mins
3 x Front Squats
c) 0 to 25 Mins
21 15 9
Deadlifts (275, 185)
Box Jumps (30, 24)
25 to33 Mins
6 x Bar Muscle Ups
6 x Strict HSPU
35 x Double Unders
36 to 43 Mins
75 x Burpees to 6 inch target
Quote from Rich Froning - How is your eating?
“A lot of people who do CrossFit eat a strict Paleo diet, but I don’t subscribe to any specific way of eating," said Froning, who's not a big fan of nutritional supplements. "If you burn enough calories, you don’t need to.”
Froning said he drinks a lot of whole milk and protein shakes throughout the day. “I don’t have much of a diet," said Rich. "I eat a lot of peanut butter and drink a lot of whole milk. And protein shakes are my thing.
"At night, I will eat whatever I want, but through the day, I don’t really eat that much. When I train guys, I tell them to eat clean meat and vegetables, and all that stuff. But when it comes to me, I don’t really listen to myself.”