a) 0 to 9 Mins
800m Run
30 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups (unbroken)
Remaining time max HSPU
9 to 17 Mins
800m Run
20 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups (unbroken)
Remaining time max HSPU
17 to 24 Mins
800m Run
10 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Remaining time max HSPU
b) 20 Min EMOM
Min 1 - 15m Handstand Walk
Min 2 - 2 x Legless Rope Climbs
Min 3 - 18 x Box Jump Overs
Min 4 - Rest
a) "Isabel" with full snatchs
5 Mins Rest
30 x Muscle Ups
b) DB Bench Press to 12RM